At a meeting of the Executive of Fareham Borough Council on 11th June 2012 the draft Masterplan options for public consultation for the new community north of
The four options were as follows: -
Option 1
Full site development with an employment area at Junction 11 of the M27 with an assumed capacity of the site of 6/7,000 houses together with 80/87,000 square metres of employment floor space and a dedicated access road to J11. The site will include four primary schools and a secondary school.
Option 2
As per Option 1, but with no dedicated access to J11. Without the link road all traffic generated by the new development would have to go through an improved Junction 10 of the M27.
Option 3
No employment area at Junction 11 and no dedicated access to J11, partial development east of the A32 The capacity of the site on this basis is 6,300/6,850 homes and 76,200/82,850 sq m of employment floor space. There would be four primary schools with this option. Development would be focussed on the western part of the site with the employment element completely within the main body of the new settlement.
Option 4
Development west of the A32 only with 5,300/5,800 homes being achieved and 66,00/72,00 square metres of employment floor space. All access to the new community would be via Junction 10 of the M27. Only three primary schools would be required in this option.
From a purely Wallington perspective, option 4 has considerable attraction in that it:
a) Removes the downstream flooding risk to the village
b) Results in a smaller, more compact development and is thus likely to result in a reduced level of traffic congestion
c) Destroys less open countryside.
This option does however fall slightly short of meeting the total housing requirement and MAY result in the shortfall being met from other sites within the Borough.